Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Still Anticipating Open Date

It's been a while since i've posted on here, but i've been busy! Perfect Harmony is starting to take shape. It is past the 'bare bones' stage, and ready for little hands to appear. That being said, although it's ready to go, it is still not where I want it, it's getting there though. Over time I plan to embrace more natural materials, and sand and repaint some of the large pieces and give them a more natural finish. But all in all, it is ready to go, all I need is the children to give it life!
A little 'snow' in the yard 
 The 'construction' zone
 The 'main' space
 A plethora of materials 
 The plethora of art materials
 The bathroom, and diapering area
 A little artwork
 Looking into the 'main' space
 The sensory table
 Our 'creative' shelf, our writing area is on the other side of the tables
 The wonder window
 Cozy reading space
 Table toys

 Music Anyone?
 Homemade light table with sensory beads
 Yoga and clipboards ready for art
 Cubbies ready for coats and boots
 The yard ready for some 'loose parts'
The 'rest area'

Anyhow, it's a work in process, and the bones are there. We're just a homebased childcare space, but we're ready to give some wonderful children some amazing memories!

Saturday, 29 October 2011

The Start

Well here I am! This is the start of the world of blogging for me!
I have been an active reader of blogs for a while now, and I have always wanted to share my wonderings, discoveries, and enlightenments with the 'blogger-sphere'. I have a million things in my head, and really would like to put it all somewhere. I also have many experiences to share.
I have been in the field of enriching children's lives for more than 10 years, and have so often wanted to share my memories somehow. So I thought here's a place.
Please bear with me as I journey through starting up.
I am running head first into an experience of starting my own centre, estimate date of inauguration is January 2012. The journey is tough, as I have looked long and hard to find an ideal location that suits my philosophy and design, and although I have found 'the space' it is old and needs a lot of work. I wish I had taken photos of the day I moved in, and shown the progress, but I was just far to excited to get going on all my 'ambitions' that the camera got put to the side. So from this point on the photos will be taken so you all can follow my journey. But know this, the place showed lots of potential, but it needed and still needs A LOT of work!!!
My philosophy is a mix of many. I have embraced the Reggio Emilia philosophy, and incorporate it into my program as much as I can. I also recognize the joy of Montessori and Waldorf in the lives of the children in my care. So you may see a wide variety of techniques and curricula in the experience that are offered.
I look forward to sharing my journey with all you readers out there and look forward to hearing from you all!