We love to experiment at our little school and play around with different mediums. What started as drill painting quickly became an experiment with paint. One of my most fondest memories as a child was going in the cupboards in the bathroom and taking the different shampoos, baby powders, and toothpaste, or whatever new 'ingredients' were hiding in my little supply cupboard. *disclaimer* there were never any hazardous materials used... (I don't want to make my parents appear to be unfit parents, in fact they really were and still are awesome parents!) So today when the experiment started up, the memories came flooding back!
This whole experience reminded me as well as the tall paintings a fantastic blog had mentioned a while back.
On our art shelf are some squeeze bottles to allow the children to choose their own paint colours as well as prepare their own art. This has enabled the 'less that enthusiastic about art' inner artist spring to the surface.
This experience, was fascinating to watch, as the child discovered the smoothness of the paint, as well as the new colours he was making.
The other wonderful thing about keeping the paint in the squirt bottles, is that when the process was over, we just scooped it all back into the bottle and we have a new colour to choose from!
I should also mention that the soundtrack of all this exploration was 'Beethoven Lives Upstairs' (a favourite in our group) and this sensory, chemistry experience was to the beat of some classics. The picture above does it no justice, but those hands were conducting to Beethoven's 5th! It was beautiful!
Our clean up became a secondary discovery. We have some plastic paper... i'm not certain of the source or the purpose, but those papers have been used for so many things. Today it was a scraper and as we were scraping a design appeared on the table. That was almost as exciting as the whole 'chemistry' experiment.