Monday, 17 June 2013

A BIG 'Surprise'

Most things the children say make me laugh, especially lately with the obsessive 'knock, knock' jokes, and then there are times when I laugh because they are.... just random!
Last week I sent the eager beavers out the door to the yard while helping some of the straglers with their shoes and zippers. So the children had seen the 'surprise' long before I did. 
So of course I had to race to see what all the excitement was about when I heard the eager voices yelling, 'MISS J, LOOK!!! LOOK!!!' I ran out to see that the 'underconstructionforthelastsixmonthshousenextdoor' had reached the wrapping stage. The house that has been solely made out of wood, and we have been there for EVERY stage of construction, and have sat countless hours watching the big machines transform the space into a monstrous home, has now been wrapped and taped with the waterproofing paper (note to self... learn what this is called, because i'll be asked that question pretty soon)
Simultaneously six little voices yelled out, 'IT'S A HOUSE!!!' 
It was as though, for the last six months the wooden structure was still a mystery as to what it would eventually become, and on that day it had finally revealed itself. What a clever disguise! Ah-HA!!

On another note, we are so excited about the early start summer has had! Today we enjoyed a little badminton/volleyball. 

Tuesday, 14 May 2013


For the second year in a row we have adopted caterpillars. This time around we have quite a number of them, and we are doing it 'by the book'. Last year we let the caterpillars wander around in the enclosure, and it worked fine. This year I thought we'd try it the 'textbook' way. So they are all in their own little container, happily munching away at their food.

It was also truly wonderful to find that, while we are observing our 'class set' indoors, we discovered a little Chrysalis had set up home outside of our classroom door... in the wild, out in nature! What a truly wonderful connection!

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Go Ahead... give it a go!

Over the last few weeks I have been feeling like someone has been watching me. It happens everyday at lunch time. It's actually not a feeling at all, it's reality. The children have been salivating at my lunches, at first I thought they have been just curious, but i'm getting the sense that it's actual salivating. It's not like i'm having something they have never seen before. It's a salad, just a salad, that's all. Without describing my delicious salad I will just say, they are yummy!
So it comes as no surprise that the children have taken a large interest in my food at lunch time. They ask me about each ingredient. The interest has become so intense, that we've decided that in the summer we will plan a salad eating day, where we can create our own yummy dishes! 
In the meantime though, there is one ingredient that comes up in conversation a lot. It's avocados. Myself and another child have avocados in some form or another nearly every day. It's caused quite a bit of curiosity. So today I decided to bring one out for us to check out and taste. It's been interesting listening to the theories of what an avocado is. Many felt that it was orange and round, and were surprised when out came this dark green, egg shaped fruit. When I cut it open it roused a squeal of delight, as the children right away noticed the GIANT seed in the middle (which is, of course, balancing nicely over a jar of water on our window sill)
The greatest part of the whole thing was FINALLY getting to the good stuff, and tasting the delicious fruit. Because many had obviously never seen an avocado before, I was wondering how they would respond to the taste. I was quite surprised when 95% of the children were all about having thirds and fourths, and would have had more, if it wasn't for the fact that we had run out of our avocado supply!
So go ahead... give new things a go!

Monday, 22 April 2013

Dear Earth... Feel Better... From Us.

Today is Earth Day! While we celebrate the fact that we live on this beautiful planet daily, and try our best to take good care of it, we still like to be reminded every once in a while.
So today we celebrated Earth Day by tilling our garden in preparation for veggie planting. The weeds have set up residence in our planter boxes over the last few months, and today they received their eviction notice.

It was hard work, and we all contributed to it (even the puppy helped with the weeding), with the odd break in between to examine a worm, bee or a slug or two.

So we are pleased to say... we came, we saw, and we conquered. We just need to put the weeds in the compost and we're all set.

Shortly after the 'toil in the soil' I remembered a gift that my dad had brought us from his farm. A robin's nest had blown out of the tree in the high winds recently, and in it were two lovely blue eggs. So we have been blessed to have it on our science table, along with the sparrow's nest he found a few years ago.

Happy Earth Day everyone!

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Hatching Time

I spotted this today!

 Upon a closer inspection, I could hear a little 'cheep, cheep, cheep' coming from inside the tub. I was curious. I stood there and watch as the 'momma' hopped off her perch and out hatched her little 'baby'

What I missed documenting was the moment the 'baby' followed his 'momma' and crawled behind her as she flapped her arms and ran around the yard shouting, 'I'm a Canada Goose! Fly little one, fly!' And just like a baby Canada Goose, the 'baby' stumbled a few times, but quickly got the hang of it and off they flew!


Thursday, 28 March 2013

Life's Hard Questions

This week we've been taking a closer look at this book:

The conversations surrounding this book has been so interesting. There is definitely a bit of a divide in the group. Some children are on the side of 'first the egg', and some are on the side of 'first the chicken', and some are on the fence. There has been quite a debate.
It's interesting their logic behind the answers, and just like the rest of the world, the children have discovered that their initial answer was simple and easy, but once they took to explaining their answer, they became stumped. Although one child was adamant about his reply, and just stated, 'the egg came first because it just did.' Sometimes that's the best answer, just straight up, because it just did.
Which side of the fence are you on?

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Those Precious Moments....

The thing I wake up for each morning is the wonder of what is going to bring a smile to my face during the day! Usually it's a funny thing that a child says or does. This is why I love my job. The children are a delight and make me laugh at least 20 times a day! I really would love to write down all the funny things I hear each day.
Today I will share a funny moment. It's a moment of mistaken identity! It caught me off guard. And it made me laugh!
While walking past the local CASINO the conversation went like this: 
Child- "I've been there with my mommy."
Me- "Really?"
Child- "Yes, I went there for stay and play."
Me- (knowing there is a program called stay and play for children in the community... but still naive and thinking there is something called 'stay and play' at the casino) "Are you sure?"
Child- "Yep, me and my brother went with mommy last week"
Me- (Taking a moment to look at the building and make the connection that the rec centre looks similar to the casino) "Oh, you went to the REC CENTRE!"
Child- (by this time quite finished with my confusion) "Yes, FOR STAY AND PLAY!"

The pictures below show that there is some similar curves in the building. Also, the buildings are close together, so the race track can be seen from both buildings.
It makes me wonder if I have any 'mistaken memories' like this from my childhood?

Monday, 4 March 2013

Giving the Children Ownership.

A few weeks ago I experienced a moment of PANIC!!! 
Back story: Our latch on out gate is easy to figure out! It is that way for many reasons, the main reason is: that is what was on the gate when I moved into this house. It has always been in my mind as an easy to figure out latch, but I wanted to trust that the children recognized that boundary and respected it. For one whole year they respected that, and they still do. But you know that feeling of 'what if'... it just always nagged at me. I gave into that nagging at the first instance of panic! They underlying story is that the gate was not being respected at other times of the day, times that were no longer in my control, but I was still responsible for. It was becoming quite serious. So the day one curious child let their curiosity get the better of said child, I decided that action needed to be taken. Granted, the incident was by no means a scary as I'm making it out to be, the child just opened the gate, and I spotted the child before said child stepped foot out of the gate. It was a blow to my philosophy, but a concern I could no longer ignore. A lock needed to be placed on the gate. A lock that the children recognized as 'an adult needs to do this', and 'it's not my job' lock. I was devastated to make this decision. It was something that would read to the child as, 'I no longer trust that you can handle this'. Believe me, it was not an easy decision, but it was important. It was an option I could not longer ignore. 
So here's the story of the lock:
I'm one of those people who get an idea in my head, and no matter how ridiculous it seems, I must follow through. More often than not, it turns out favourable. This was NOT one of those moments. I had plenty of suggestions of a lock solution from many adults in my life, but stubborn me... I made the lock the way it was in my head. It was a crude contraption that needed instructions!
Without too much description, the lock was a piece of thick wire attached to a clip that clipped onto a hook high above. 
*This lock was promptly dismissed... as one child immediately found that if you open the gate one way, it's effective, but they other way, it was easy to slipped out under the wire. Also... it was tricky to open for the adults!
Shortly after this attempt, I set to work on creating a new locking system, only to continually run into the same problem... it was too confusing to open and close. It was during a moment of frustration that my ECE brain kicked into high gear!
I printed out a photo of both sides of the gate, one for each child, clipped them to the clip board, and approached the children for help. With the children having ownership over the lock, they will be more inclined to recognize the value and purpose of the lock. That's when the ideas cam pouring in!!! 
  • the lock had to be a chain
  • the chain could be down low, but on the other side of the gate *so only adults could reach it*
  • there had to be SIGNS! Lot's of SIGNS!
All of these ideas were so useful, and the children dialogued the importance of the lock, and ideas that would work and not work. But the most important thing was the children felt we needed to put up signs. 
We have constructed a working and effective lock, and the signs are ready for laminating, and will be put up in the next week or two! I'd say this project was a success! 

The final lock design!!!

Wednesday, 23 January 2013


As a one year 'gift to myself' I got a puppy. I picked him up on Saturday. He is coming to my home to provide some companionship in the evenings, and motivate me to get out of my house at the end of a long tiring day. I can't help, as I read through manual after manual on how to train your puppy, think of some similarities with children's growth. I'm not saying children are dogs, by any means, and I hope to not offend anyone with this comparison, because in actual fact, the similarities DO NOT end at childhood, but in all our relationships.
But here's what I have seen. 'Troubled' puppies act out their need for attention through chewing on furniture, your favourite shoes, or basically any object that seems to be special to you. They urinate all over your home, and keep you awake a night. They bark excessively, and run out of the house dragging you on walks while you, as their master, tries to assert authority, and demand respect. (What am I getting myself into?) Every manual I read talks about the reasons that puppies do this, and why, when you think you've got the situation all under control, they regress at times. The manuals talk about attention and 'cabin fever', as the two main triggers for this 'acting out'. When you see your puppy/dog doing this, it generally means they are craving some attention, and some outside time. It means it's time to re-evaluate where your attention is. Puppies and dogs are looking for a 'pack leader' they are pack animals. They need socialization, attention and outside time. They also need limits and boundaries. Puppies that are given free range of the whole home will, with no guidance and follow-through,  as adult dogs, blur boundaries and limits imposed on them in adulthood.
Although children are not dogs, there are some real similarities. So perhaps all my years of experience with children has prepared me to live with a puppy?!?!?!

So here's how it has gone with having 'Nahum' around the children in the centre:
1. Nahum loves running with the children
2. The children love running with Nahum
3. Nahum is, from an early age, learning to be around children
4. Nahum has started showing up in out imaginative play. ie: 'I'm the teacher, and you're Nahum.'
5. Because Nahum gets tired easily, the children understand that sometimes 'we all need a break'
6. The children are learning how to approach dogs in a safe manner, and how to be patient with him
7. The children have been wanting to know more about dogs, so we have started doing some 'research'
8...... the lessons are endless!!!
The children playing 'puppies in a cage'

Tuesday, 22 January 2013


We have two tree stumps in our yard. Well, actually they are our next door neighbour's old chopping blocks. 
For a long time they have been on opposite sides of the yard, but recently I put them near each other. An invitation for....?
 Testing our jumping skills...

 Inviting a friend to join in the fun!

 tumbling off and getting back up to try again!

 Jumping right off the other side

 Inviting another friend to try it out!

 Demonstrating skills


 knowing that others tumble off too

 Attracting another friend

Eventually enticing a WHOLE crowd!

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Long Time No See and a Celebration

I realize it has been nearly two months since my last post. That's a real shame, i've lost touch with my ECE comrades on this journey to enrich children's lives by allowing them to be children and the fight to bring back that natural and instinctive need to play.

You see it's been a bit of a struggle to remain motivated and true to my philosophy. We are celebrating our first year anniversary of our little centre. Today marks a day of reflection for me, and a day of 'another thing to celebrate' for the children.

I has been quite a year. We have had some big ups and downs. Yes, the good out weighs the negative. I am forever grateful to all the families that believed in my contribution to their children's lives. If you think about it, I spend the majority of the waking moments with these children. It's a responsibility I don't take lightly.

I myself personally have gone through some major peaks and valleys. There were some weeks/days where I thought I have chosen the wrong profession, cried my little heart out and lost sleep over the passion I have for children, had my philosophy challenged, had second thoughts about my role in the children's lives, and even a lack of motivation at times. But those negatives are a blip in the wonderful year we have had. I believe that the children's well being is being fostered daily in the program, that the children have wonderful memories to take with them in life, I have also grown myself over the year, and the relationships that I have fostered with each family is so precious. The children are a fabulous bunch, and we are pioneers in the fight to give back children their childhood, one that I hope that as the children grow, they will have a voice to say, 'remember when.....' and share their memories so others can be inspired. We have had amazing moments, and the year to come will be filled with so many more!

So as we celebrate our 'first birthday' I can be thankful that we have all been brought together to learn together, grow together, and most importantly play together.