Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Bring the outdoors inside.

OK i'll admit, these blocks were purchased. I've been wanting a set of these for a long time, but A. I have yet to make a set myself, and B. my dad wanted to make some for me, but has yet to make them. So I gave in and purchased a set. You may notice that there is a hockey puck in the middle. This is how we roll, natural with synthetic. We thoroughly enjoyed building a tower with these, and knocking them over. 

I also invested in a set of fences from Natural Pod. This is my number one favourite website, and the fantastic thing is... it's local! We got pretty creative with them today, building a garage for our cars. I wonder what other ideas we'll come up with?

Our neat little wheel barrow basket got in the action too! It's always easier to transport things in a wheel barrow.

Here's a little something else we've been working on. Some movable fences for inside and out.

A little preview of our valentine's day art... mommies and daddies watch your mailboxes!

Ego Booster of the day:
While a child was watching me saw a piece of wood off our 'fences' the following conversation occurred.
C-"It's hard being a superhero isn't it?"
T-"Wow, how did you know i'm a superhero? Do you know what my power is?"
C-"Yep, you're super strong."
Well, that just made my day... it gave me an extra boost of strength when I pushed our six seater stroller up our hill. It also warmed my heart!

1 comment:

  1. So wonderful to see our items in action. Looking forward to reading about your adventures indoors and outdoors with nature.
