Thursday, 5 April 2012

Celebrating April

April is one of those months that seems to be inundated with holidays and celebrations, and we like to recognize each and every one. Starting, of course, with April Fool's Day, and boy, did I get them good, and I, in turn, got fooled by some clever thinkers, as well!
I have no pictures to document my trickery, but I did come across preschool daze had done something similar a while back. Hee hee, I washed and filled an empty glue bottle with milk and made myself a cup of tea. When the children spotted my foolery, they screamed and yelled like all toddlers and preschoolers do, to which I played dumb and actually enjoyed the 'glue' straight from the bottle. They were not to be fooled, knowing me far to well to know that I would make such a careless mistake. Still made my day, though.
The next holiday that got us giddy was Passover. The children enjoyed a little story that explained the traditions surrounding Passover. In the story the children sang a song called Dayenu to the family and enjoyed some Matzah (we also enjoyed a story called 'The Matzah Man' a retelling of the 'Gingerbread Man' tale). During my travels a few years back to Israel, I picked up a few Hebrew Traditional Songs that occasionally I share with the children. Dayenu was one of them.
We enjoyed some scarf dancing along with the music. It always make me laugh that no matter the tempo of the music we listen to, the dance is always a tizzy of jumping and running!

The above photo was the children's attempt to copy a Hebrew dance I attempted to teach them!

Of course, how could we forget Easter! We have enjoyed a great number of Easter activities and experiences. Below is a pictoral journey through our Easter invitations!
Sensory Bin filled with Easter Grass and Hidden Treasures

Egg Dying

Egg hunt

The Bounty

Egg Painting... similar to Marble Painting

Peeps Experiment.... Ongoing!

Bring on the rest of April!

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