Wednesday, 1 August 2012

From Field to Table

Our veggie garden has been an ongoing project over the last few months... for obvious reasons, but also because it gives us a great start to a 'project filled year.' Projects have been part of our program already, but we're ready to kick it up a notch!
This project of growing our own veggies has been an interesting one. It seldom occurs to me that children do not make the connection that their food comes from the earth. This is a concept that is even more crucial that children are introduced to more than ever. As we see the disconnect from field to table becoming increasing more evident, we are risking losing a necessary element in our basic survival. It is very rare these days to go directly to the source for our food. Here in the Lower Mainland we are blessed with a great amount of produce stands placed directly beside the farm that the produce came from. It's not only good to shop at these places for good prices, and a healthy well being, but it's also important to shop at these places to support our local growers, and introduce children to the benefits of gleaning directly from the source, and to see the source itself!
So planting seeds in late April was an experience that was perhaps a bit foreign to the children, but after months of toil (those weeds were a pain!) and patience... we have been blessed with the fruits of our labour.

The Boxes all ready for soil

The empty veggie boxes provided lots of messy fun

                                         Tilling the ground and looking for worms

Planting and watering and clearing the weeds

 Picking Raspberries and blueberries in our backyard

Cutting the sweetpeas for a little bouquet

Growing our own Calendula


Our seeds have produced PRODUCE!!!!


Then we noticed that our backyard is host to an apple tree and a tree that we think has peaches on it.
It's really an experience of Field to Table!!!

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