Whoooeeee, it's been a while. The children and I are 'hopefully' on the other end of this nasty cold that has been going around. For those of you that were lucky enough to have missed it, consider yourself blessed! It was a doozy! It's been hanging on with a couple of the children, and it's a bit hard to kick, not to mention it made us all feel miserable. It breaks my heart to see them ill, and sad, so i'm glad we're nearing the end *hopefully* Heading outdoors has been the best form of defense, I can offer, these last few weeks, it really clears our heads, and revitalizes us!
Now back to what we've been up to. Thinking back a few months now, the children and I came across a picture in a Nursery Rhyme book we have. It corresponded with the Rhyme that goes like this:
"Hoddley, Poddley, puddles and fogs,the cats are to marry the poodle dogs.
Cats in blue jackets, and dogs in red hats, what will become of the mice and the rats."
The children were fascinated with the picture, and this fascination welcomed some inspiration.
So it took a few weeks of planning, but we put together a tea party to mimic the picture. The plan was to include the mommies and the daddies, and it was to include EVERY food item in the picture. Including the wedding cake (with three 'apartments' aka tiers). The children wanted the juice in a bowl, and tarts, and sandwiches. And most importantly it HAD TO BE OUTSIDE!!! (children after my own heart!) Some children wanted to wear red hats... and sadly this did not happen, my bad, I completely forgot about this part.
So it took a bit of preparation and planning. It took me a while to figure out how to include the children in the wedding cake process. In the end, I think they did a fabulous job. Because we had lots of prep to do, and also because I wasn't sure how to make a wedding cake have 'apartments' I baked and covered the cakes, and got them ready for stacking. The children decorated the cake with silk flowers.
It was the first real 'Fall Day' so it was a good thing that we did it when we did... it was chilly, but dry! It was lots of fun!