Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Barefoot Benefits in the Cold Months

We've talked about it before... going barefoot has HUGE benefits. I believe in walking barefoot. It try to do it as often as I can... and I try to do it as much as I can outside.
A friend of mine is a Reflexologist, and her and I have had some rather exciting conversations about the benefits of barefoot walking, and the improvements it makes on our general well being. Another friend of mine is from New Zealand and is living here in our lovely province. When I look at her, she is always barefoot. So I asked her about this one day. She explained that in New Zealand the children are always go barefoot. Even at school. It's pretty typical for the children to walk into their classroom in the morning and take off their shoes and socks and go barefoot for the rest of the day... inside and out. This explains why every Kiwi I meet seems to be chill and relaxed. *wink, wink* At first I thought, "it would be nice to have such a mild climate, so we could do that year round." But i'm learning a bit more about New Zealand, and it's not that far off of our own climate.
So with that being said, I was looking for alternatives to reap the benefits of going barefoot for these unfavourable months. So when my reflexologist friend shared this fantastic video, I wondered how I could get my hands on these health pathways, or even how to make this into a project with the children.
In the mean time, I perhaps by fluke, came across these fantastic foot massagers. I probably bought too many, but there is a project a-brewing!

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