This week we have been exploring more with light and we brought a dinosaur out of 'extinction'. We've been creating some fantastic designs on the wall through the magic of and overheard projector.
It's been funny hearing each parent walk in the room and state, "Wow, I haven't seen one of those in years!" To the children it's new and exciting and worthy of a little bit of curiosity.
In addition to making some fantastic pictures on the wall.....

..... the children have been coming up with theories. For example: One child noticed the light went up onto the ceiling. Thus initiating him to hypothesize that it must be because there is lots of things on the projector. Part of his hypothesis was that if he added more, then it would light up the whole ceiling.
To test out his hypothesis he and his friends started loading up the projector with more and more.
This lead to a new hypothesis, that the more they loaded on the projector the less light there was. So squeals of delight ensued when the children worked hard to cover EVERY inch of light.
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