Friday, 7 September 2012

Those Moments.....

When I was a little girl I was overjoyed when my Grandad showed me how you could write the word 'boy' on a paper and turn it into a picture of a boy. I remember I drew that all over my notebooks for school. I was pretty excited when I taught myself how to do the same with the word 'girl'. 
I'm sure there is an official term for this type of art. Whatever it is, as a preteen, I thought it was pretty 'awesome'.
Now when a four year old has drawn a number '2' you get pretty stoked and share in his accomplishment with joy and excitement. 
So when the said four year old tells you he drew a sailboat, it took a second look to see that the sailboat started out as the number '2', and morphed into a sailboat!!! 
Can you see the number '2'?

How about now?

How cool is that?

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