Wednesday 8 February 2012

Fence Weaving Fun!

The ribbon bin was getting pretty full, so we took the stash outside and decorated up our fence. It certainly pretties up the fence!

This all happened yesterday in the afternoon, and we were curious to see if some birds would use our ribbon to pretty up their nests. No takers yet, but we would be completely understanding if they 'borrowed' some. It does look quite nice doesn't it?


  1. Hi, thanks for linking up this week. In our old school we had a fence like this & I loved weaving on it - sometimes even with ripped up plastic bags. Now we have a wooden fence & can't do this.

    1. Kierna,
      Thanks for letting me 'link up' i'm still new to the blogging world, but i'm learning slowly. I love reading about all the wonderful things you all get up to. Inspiration comes from all over!
      I love our chain link fence, and so do the children. The ribbons have now been used as blindfolds, and climbing ropes. I love having materials ready for when we feel moved to create!

  2. Just lovely!
    This makes me wish I had a chain link fence again! I need to figure out another alternative to outdoor weaving.
    Thanks for linking up to The Oudoor Play Party!

    1. Shame about the chain link fence. I see so many fun activities to come with that fence! I wonder if you could find some of that construction fencing and nail it to a frame to make a weaving wall... Oooh, that gives me an idea, wouldn't it be neat to put together as a movable wall that the children could use in their loose parts play? Hmmm!
